Results for 'Christophe Van Gerrewey'

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  1. Christian Norberg-Schulz (1926-2000).Christophe Van Gerrewey - 2012 - Environment, Space, Place 4 (1):29-47.
    The Norwegian historian Christian Norberg-Schulz (1926-2000) is held responsible, in general, for introducing phenomenological methods and concepts into the field of architecture theory, criticism and history. This article examines his legacy and his writings by focusing on one text on the Pyramide-Le-Perthus, built in France in 1976 by the Spanish architect Ricardo Bofill. In an exemplary way, this text shows how Norberg-Schulz used phenomenology not to ‘experience’contemporary architecture, but rather to protect it from the problems of the modern world. Norberg-Schulz (...)
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  2. Fairness as Equal Concession: Critical Remarks on Fair AI.Christopher Yeomans & Ryan van Nood - 2021 - Science and Engineering Ethics 27 (6):1-14.
    Although existing work draws attention to a range of obstacles in realizing fair AI, the field lacks an account that emphasizes how these worries hang together in a systematic way. Furthermore, a review of the fair AI and philosophical literature demonstrates the unsuitability of ‘treat like cases alike’ and other intuitive notions as conceptions of fairness. That review then generates three desiderata for a replacement conception of fairness valuable to AI research: (1) It must provide a meta-theory for understanding tradeoffs, (...)
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    Collective ignorance: an information theoretic account.Christopher Ranalli & René van Woudenberg - 2019 - Synthese 198 (5):4731-4750.
    We are ignorant knowers. This paper proposes an information theoretic explanation of that fact. The explanation is a conjunction of three claims. First, that even in those dimensions where we are capable of picking up information, there is information that we don’t pick up. Second, that there can be dimensions of information for which we lack the capacity to pick up any information whatsoever. Third, that we don’t know whether the faculties and cognitive capacities we are endowed with process all (...)
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    Reviews & booknotes.Christopher Falzon, Stan van Hooft & William J. Jackson - 1999 - Sophia 38 (2):170-180.
  5. A Key to the Treasure of the Hakim: Artistic and Humanistic Aspects of Ganjavi’s Khamsa.Johan Christoph Bürgel & Christine van Ruymbeke (eds.) - 2011 - Leiden University Press.
    This volume consists of thirteen essays by eminent scholars, each focusing on different aspects of the Khamsa, a collection of five long poems written by the Persian poet Nizami of Ganja. The cycle’s heroes, Khosrow and Shirin, Leili and Majnun, and Iskandar, have become household names all over the Islamic world. Considering the work from such perspectives as art history, comparative literature, science, philosophy, and mysticism, the contributors revive and challenge traditional views on the poet and his work. Appropriate for (...)
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    Surface construction by a 2-D differentiation–integration process: A neurocomputational model for perceived border ownership, depth, and lightness in Kanizsa figures.Naoki Kogo, Christoph Strecha, Luc Van Gool & Johan Wagemans - 2010 - Psychological Review 117 (2):406-439.
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    Expert knowledge elicitation using computer simulation: the organization of frail elderly case management as an illustration.Jean-Christophe Chiêm, Thérèse Van Durme, Florence Vandendorpe, Olivier Schmitz, Niko Speybroeck, Sophie Cès & Jean Macq - 2014 - Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice 20 (4):534-543.
  8. Brill Online Books and Journals.Nathan Rotenstreich, Paul Mendes-Flohr, Friedrich Niewöhner, Christoph Von Wolzogen, Johannes Van Oort, Friedrich Wilhelm Horn & Manfred Hutter - 1994 - Zeitschrift für Religions- Und Geistesgeschichte 46 (2).
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    Don't SNARC me now! Intraindividual variability of cognitive phenomena – Insights from the Ironman paradigm.Lilly Roth, Verena Jordan, Stefania Schwarz, Klaus Willmes, Hans-Christoph Nuerk, Jean-Philippe van Dijck & Krzysztof Cipora - 2024 - Cognition 248 (C):105781.
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    Responsible data sharing in international health research: a systematic review of principles and norms.Shona Kalkman, Menno Mostert, Christoph Gerlinger, Johannes J. M. van Delden & Ghislaine J. M. W. van Thiel - 2019 - BMC Medical Ethics 20 (1):21.
    Large-scale linkage of international clinical datasets could lead to unique insights into disease aetiology and facilitate treatment evaluation and drug development. Hereto, multi-stakeholder consortia are currently designing several disease-specific translational research platforms to enable international health data sharing. Despite the recent adoption of the EU General Data Protection Regulation, the procedures for how to govern responsible data sharing in such projects are not at all spelled out yet. In search of a first, basic outline of an ethical governance framework, we (...)
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    Organisational Justice: A Senian Perspective.Samir Shrivastava, Robert Jones, Christopher Selvarajah & Bernadine Van Gramberg - 2016 - Journal of Business Ethics 135 (1):99-116.
    In this paper, we draw inferences from the Nobel laureate Amartya Sen’s book, The Idea of Justice to inform the organisational justice literature. The extant societal-level theories of justice tend to emphasise aspects that are analogous to either the procedural or distributive dimensions of organisational justice. The Senian idea of comprehensive justice is different in that it synthesises the procedural- and distributive-related dimensions at the societal-level. We theorise that the Senian notion could be applied at the organisational-level to facilitate outcomes (...)
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    The Historical Present qātēl in Biblical Aramaic.Alexander Andrason, Vuyisa Gysman, Hans-Christoph Lange & Martinus van Renssen - 2022 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 142 (3):547-571.
    This article offers a typologically-driven and corpus-based analysis of the historical present (HP) “active participle” qātēl in Biblical Aramaic. The authors argue that qātēl instantiates the HP category quite neatly and provide three main arguments. First, qātēl complies with the definition of a progredient/propulsive HP that emerges from crosslinguistic literature: while, in its prototypical use, qātēl expresses some type(s) of present, it may also be employed in narrative to introduce past perfective events. Second, when used as an HP, qātēl exhibits (...)
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  13. Deliberation and Decision: Economics, Constitutional Theory and Deliberative Democracy.Anne van Aaken, Christian List & Christoph Luetge (eds.) - 2004 - Ashgate.
    Deliberation and Decision explores ways of bridging the gap between two rival approaches to theorizing about democratic institutions: constitutional economics on the one hand and deliberative democracy on the other. The two approaches offer very different accounts of the functioning and legitimacy of democratic institutions. Although both highlight the importance of democratic consent, their accounts of such consent could hardly be more different. Constitutional economics models individuals as self-interested rational utility maximizers and uses economic efficiency criteria such as incentive compatibility (...)
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    Democracy and argument: tracking truth in complex social decisions.Anne van Aaken, Christian List & Christophe Luetge - 2004 - In Anne van Aaken, Christian List & Christoph Luetge (eds.), Deliberation and Decision: Economics, Constitutional Theory and Deliberative Democracy. Ashgate. pp. 143-157.
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    The Pervasiveness of 1/f Scaling in Speech Reflects the Metastable Basis of Cognition.Christopher T. Kello, Gregory G. Anderson, John G. Holden & Guy C. Van Orden - 2008 - Cognitive Science 32 (7):1217-1231.
    Human neural and behavioral activities have been reported to exhibit fractal dynamics known as 1/f noise, which is more aptly named 1/f scaling. Some argue that 1/f scaling is a general and pervasive property of the dynamical substrate from which cognitive functions are formed. Others argue that it is an idiosyncratic property of domain‐specific processes. An experiment was conducted to investigate whether 1/f scaling pervades the intrinsic fluctuations of a spoken word. Ten participants each repeated the word bucket over 1,000 (...)
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    Designing normative theories for ethical and legal reasoning: LogiKEy framework, methodology, and tool support.Christoph Benzmüller, Xavier Parent & Leendert van der Torre - 2020 - Artificial Intelligence 287 (C):103348.
  17. Linguistic practice and false-belief tasks.Matthew van Cleave & Christopher Gauker - 2010 - Mind and Language 25 (3):298-328.
    Jill de Villiers has argued that children's mastery of sentential complements plays a crucial role in enabling them to succeed at false-belief tasks. Josef Perner has disputed that and has argued that mastery of false-belief tasks requires an understanding of the multiplicity of perspectives. This paper attempts to resolve the debate by explicating attributions of desires and beliefs as extensions of the linguistic practices of making commands and assertions, respectively. In terms of these linguistic practices one can explain why desire-talk (...)
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    Language has many faces: so does truth.Christophe Van der Vorst - 2011 - Algemeen Nederlands Tijdschrift voor Wijsbegeerte 103 (4):284-287.
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  19. Omnis malignitas est virtuti contraria: Malignitas as a Term of Aesthetic Evaluation from Horace to Tacitus' Dialogus de Oratoribus.Christopher S. van den Berg - 2008 - In Ineke Sluiter & Ralph Mark Rosen (eds.), Kakos: badness and anti-value in classical antiquity. Boston: Brill.
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    A Catholic-Labour alliance?: the Catholic Press and the New Zealand Labour Party 1916-1939.[Paper based on the author's 1994 Massey PhD thesis.]. [REVIEW]Christopher John Van Der Krogt - 2001 - The Australasian Catholic Record 78 (1):16.
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  21. Almost, but not quite there: Research into the emergence of higher-order motivated behavior should fully embrace the dynamic systems approach.Christophe Gernigon, Rémi Altamore, Robin R. Vallacher, Paul L. C. van Geert & Ruud J. R. Den Hartigh - 2025 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 48:e34.
    Murayama and Jach rightfully aim to conceptualize motivation as an emergent property of a dynamic system of interacting elements. However, they do not embrace the ontological and paradigmatic constraints of the dynamic systems approach. They therefore miss the very process of emergence and how it can be formally modeled and tested by specific types of computer simulation.
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    Religion als Perfektionierung: Fragment und Vollendung in den Religionen.Christoph Wulf, Jürgen van Oorschot & Lars Allolio-Näcke - 2021 - Paragrana: Internationale Zeitschrift für Historische Anthropologie 30 (1):13-17.
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  23. Experience-dependent changes in cerebral activation during human Rem sleep.Pierre Maquet, Steven Laureys, Philippe Peigneux, Sonia Fuchs, Christophe Petiau, Christophe Phillips, Joel Aerts, Guy Del Fiore, Christian Degueldre, Thierry Meulemans, Andre Luxen, Georges Franck, Martial Van Der Linden, Carlyle Smith & Axel Cleeremans - 2000 - Nature Neuroscience 3 (8):831-36.
    Pierre Maquet1,2,6, Steven Laureys1,2, Philippe Peigneux1,2,3, Sonia Fuchs1, Christophe Petiau1, Christophe Phillips1,6, Joel Aerts1, Guy Del Fiore1, Christian Degueldre1, Thierry Meulemans3, André Luxen1, Georges Franck1,2, Martial Van Der Linden3, Carlyle Smith4 and Axel Cleeremans5.
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  24. Language has many faces. So does truth.Christophe van Vorst - 2011 - Algemeen Nederlands Tijdschrift voor Wijsbegeerte 103 (4):284-287.
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    Loving the mess : navigating diversity and conflict in social values for sustainability.Jasper O. Kenter, Christopher M. Raymond, Carena J. van Riper, Elaine Azzopardi, Michelle R. Brear, Fulvia Calcagni, Ian Christie, Michael Christie, Anne Fordham, Rachelle K. Gould, Christopher D. Ives, Adam P. Hejnowicz, Richard Gunton, Andra‑Ioana Horcea-Milcu, Dave Kendal, Jakub Kronenberg, Julian R. Massenberg, Seb O'Connor, Neil Ravenscroft, Andrea Rawluk, Ivan J. Raymond, Jorge Rodríguez-Morales & Samarthia Thankappan - 2019 - Sustainability Science 14 (5):1439-1461.
    This paper concludes a special feature of Sustainability Science that explores a broad range of social value theoretical traditions, such as religious studies, social psychology, indigenous knowledge, economics, sociology, and philosophy. We introduce a novel transdisciplinary conceptual framework that revolves around concepts of 'lenses' and 'tensions' to help navigate value diversity. First, we consider the notion of lenses: perspectives on value and valuation along diverse dimensions that describe what values focus on, how their sociality is envisioned, and what epistemic and (...)
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  26. Hedging and the Norm of Belief.Peter van Elswyk & Christopher Willard-Kyle - forthcoming - Australasian Journal of Philosophy.
    We argue that knowledge is not the norm of belief given that ‘I believe’ is used to hedge. We explore the consequences of this argument for the normative relationship between belief and assertion.
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    Loving the mess: navigating diversity and conflict in social values for sustainability.Jasper O. Kenter, Christopher M. Raymond, Carena J. van Riper, Elaine Azzopardi, Michelle R. Brear, Fulvia Calcagni, Ian Christie, Michael Christie, Anne Fordham, Rachelle K. Gould, Christopher D. Ives, Adam P. Hejnowicz, Richard Gunton, Andra Ioana Horcea-Milcu, Dave Kendal, Jakub Kronenberg, Julian R. Massenberg, Seb O’Connor, Neil Ravenscroft, Andrea Rawluk, Ivan J. Raymond, Jorge Rodríguez-Morales & Samarthia Thankappan - unknown
    This paper concludes a special feature of Sustainability Science that explores a broad range of social value theoretical traditions, such as religious studies, social psychology, indigenous knowledge, economics, sociology, and philosophy. We introduce a novel transdisciplinary conceptual framework that revolves around concepts of ‘lenses’ and ‘tensions’ to help navigate value diversity. First, we consider the notion of lenses: perspectives on value and valuation along diverse dimensions that describe what values focus on, how their sociality is envisioned, and what epistemic and (...)
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    Judging Athenian dramatic competitions.Christopher W. Marshall & Stephanie van Willigenburg - 2004 - Journal of Hellenic Studies 124:90-107.
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    Votre cerveau n'a pas fini de vous étonner: entretiens avec Patrice Van Eersel.Patrice van Eersel, Boris Cyrulnik, Pierre Bustany, Jean-Michel Oughourlian, Christophe André & Thierry Janssen (eds.) - 2012 - Paris: Albin Michel.
    On savait que c’était l’entité la plus complexe de l’univers connu. Mais le feu d’artifice de découvertes récentes dépasse l’entendement et fait exploser tous les schémas. Votre cerveau est (beaucoup) plus fabuleux que vous le croyez. Il est : totalement élastique, même âgé, handicapé, voire amputé de plusieurs lobes, le système nerveux central peut se reconstituer et repartir à l’assaut des connaissances et de l’action sur le monde ; totalement social, un cerveau n’existe jamais seul, mais toujours en résonance avec (...)
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    The role of language in novel task learning.Felice van 'T. Wout & Christopher Jarrold - 2020 - Cognition 194:104036.
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    A recurrent connectionist model of group biases.Dirk Van Rooy, Frank Van Overwalle, Tim Vanhoomissen, Christophe Labiouse & Robert French - 2003 - Psychological Review 110 (3):536-563.
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    AI-Inclusivity in Healthcare: Motivating an Institutional Epistemic Trust Perspective.Kritika Maheshwari, Christoph Jedan, Imke Christiaans, Mariëlle van Gijn, Els Maeckelberghe & Mirjam Plantinga - 2024 - Cambridge Quarterly of Healthcare Ethics:1-15.
    This paper motivates institutional epistemic trust as an important ethical consideration informing the responsible development and implementation of artificial intelligence (AI) technologies (or AI-inclusivity) in healthcare. Drawing on recent literature on epistemic trust and public trust in science, we start by examining the conditions under which we can have institutional epistemic trust in AI-inclusive healthcare systems and their members as providers of medical information and advice. In particular, we discuss that institutional epistemic trust in AI-inclusive healthcare depends, in part, on (...)
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    Daydreams incorporate recent waking life concerns but do not show delayed incorporations.Elaine van Rijn, Alexander M. Reid, Christopher L. Edwards, Josie E. Malinowski, Perrine M. Ruby, Jean-Baptiste Eichenlaub & Mark T. Blagrove - 2018 - Consciousness and Cognition 58:51-59.
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    Influence of depressive symptoms on speech perception in adverse listening conditions.Bharath Chandrasekaran, Kristin Van Engen, Zilong Xie, Christopher G. Beevers & W. Todd Maddox - 2015 - Cognition and Emotion 29 (5):900-909.
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    Evidence for positive and negative transfer of abstract task knowledge in adults and school-aged children.Kaichi Yanaoka, Félice van’T. Wout, Satoru Saito & Christopher Jarrold - 2024 - Cognition 242 (C):105650.
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    A Recent Contribution on the History of the Tibetan EmpireThe Tibetan Empire in Central Asia: A History of the Struggle for Great Power among Tibetans, Turks, Arabs, and Chinese during the Early Middle Ages.Leonard W. J. van der Kuijp & Christopher I. Beckwith - 1991 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 111 (1):94.
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    Laird (A.) (ed.) Oxford Readings in Classical Studies: Ancient Literary Criticism. Pp. xii + 491. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2006. Cased, £95, US$295 (Paper, £37, US$55). ISBN: 978-0-19-925865-9 (978-0-19-925866-6 pbk.). [REVIEW]Christopher S. van den Berg - 2008 - The Classical Review 58 (1):48-50.
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    IKEA’s Organizational Structures.Christophe Van Linden, Marilyn Young & Rachel Birkey - 2019 - Journal of Business Ethics Education 16:275-282.
    This teaching case is based on the multinational group IKEA, which designs and sells ready-to-assemble furniture. The case is a useful classroom exercise to identify the link between business decisions and their tax implications. The case questions challenge students to consider the differences in tax planning, tax avoidance, tax mitigation and tax evasion. The facts provide a timely and relevant setting to discuss global dimensions of taxation and corporate social responsibility from an ethical perspective.
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    Perspectives of patients on advanced directives.Birgitt van Oorschot, Christopher Hausmann, Norbert Köhler, Karena Leppert, Susanne Schweitzer, Kerstin Steinbach & Reiner Anselm - 2004 - Ethik in der Medizin 16 (2):112-122.
    ZusammenfassungIm Rahmen des Modellvorhabens „Patienten als Partner—Tumorpatienten und ihr Mitwirken bei medizinischen Entscheidungen“ wurden zwischen März 2002 und August 2003 272 palliativ behandelte Tumorpatienten nach ihrer Einstellung zur Patientenverfügung und zur gewünschten Beteiligung an medizinischen Entscheidungen befragt. Von den Befragten kannten 30% Patientenverfügungen nicht, darunter signifikant mehr Befragte mit formal niedrigerem Bildungsabschluss. Es hatten bereits 11% eine Patientenverfügung abgeschlossen, 22% wollten wahrscheinlich eine abschließen, und 30% wollten keine abschließen. Es fand sich ein statistisch signifikanter Zusammenhang zwischen dem Abschluss einer Patientenverfügung (...)
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    DEI Maturity: Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion at a Not-for-Profit Organization.Christophe Van Linden, Paula T. Roberts & D. Lee Warren - 2022 - Journal of Business Ethics Education 19:253-274.
    This teaching case focuses on Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) at a museum. At the beginning of 2021, the organization found itself in a crisis when more than 2,000 community members and 85 anonymous employees demanded the resignation of the museum’s President due to the language he defended in a job posting advocating for a job applicant to diversify audiences while “maintaining the traditional white core audience of the museum” (Salaz 2021). Students take on the role of an external consultant (...)
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    Ecological and Coevolutionary Dynamics in Modern Markets Yield Nonstationarity in Market Efficiencies.Colin M. Van Oort, John Henry Ring Iv, David Rushing Dewhurst, Christopher M. Danforth & Brian F. Tivnan - 2022 - Complexity 2022:1-14.
    The U.S. stock market is one of the largest and most complex marketplaces in the global financial system. Over the past several decades, this market has evolved at multiple structural and temporal scales. New exchanges became active, and others stopped trading, regulations have been introduced and adapted, and technological innovations have pushed the pace of trading activity to blistering speeds. These developments have supported the growth of a rich machine-trading ecology that leads to qualitative differences in trading behavior at human (...)
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    Le masque ou la chair.Christophe Van Staen - 2008 - Revue Philosophique De Louvain 106 (3):557-587.
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    Theory and Water: A Co-taught Undergraduate Course.Christopher Van Den Berg - 2015 - Classical World: A Quarterly Journal on Antiquity 108 (2):243-254.
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    What the Writings of Fr. Ryan and Catholic Social Thought Say Concerning Modern Capitalism.William Van Lear, O. Christopher Kirchgessner & John Plecnik - 2013 - Journal of Catholic Social Thought 10 (1):203-229.
  45. Reactive oxygen species as signals that modulate plant stress responses and programmed cell death.Tsanko S. Gechev, Frank Van Breusegem, Julie M. Stone, Iliya Denev & Christophe Laloi - 2006 - Bioessays 28 (11):1091-1101.
    Reactive oxygen species (ROS) are known as toxic metabolic products in plants and other aerobic organisms. An elaborate and highly redundant plant ROS network, composed of antioxidant enzymes, antioxidants and ROS-producing enzymes, is responsible for maintaining ROS levels under tight control. This allows ROS to serve as signaling molecules that coordinate an astonishing range of diverse plant processes. The specificity of the biological response to ROS depends on the chemical identity of ROS, intensity of the signal, sites of production, plant (...)
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    Effect of visibility of the loci on recall using the method of loci.Simon Kemp & Christopher D. van der Krogt - 1985 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 23 (3):202-204.
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    Non-organic cognitive deficits: A case report of functional disturbance in the production of ordinal information.Van Dijck Jean-Philippe, Vandeput Katleen, Lafosse Christophe, Hartsuiker Rob & Fias Wim - 2014 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 8.
  48. Moral dilemmas.Christopher W. Gowans (ed.) - 1987 - New York: Oxford Uiversity Press.
    The essays in this volume illuminate a central topic in ethical theory: moral dilemmas. Some contemporary philosophers dispute the traditional view that a true moral dilemma -- a situation in which a person has two irreconcilable moral duties -- cannot exist. This collection provides the historical background to the ongoing debate with selections from Kant, Mill, Bradley, and Ross. The best recent work on the question is represented in essays by Donagan, Foot, Hare, Marcus, Nagel, van Fraassen, Williams, and others.
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    Introduction.Yelena Baraz & Christopher S. van den Berg - 2013 - American Journal of Philology 134 (1):1-8.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:IntroductionYelena Baraz and Christopher S. van den BergThis introduction cannot do justice to the long and complex history of intertextuality as practiced by classicists, but it is appropriate to outline some of the more influential developments since Conte1 first reconceived Giorgio Pasquali’s arte allusiva in terms of Julia Kristeva’s intertextuality2 and helped establish a dominant model for the study of Latin poetry. During the last century, literary scholars of (...)
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    Commentary on Van Belle.Christopher W. Tindale - unknown
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